Sunday 12 April 2009


Bye bye America and single life!

My new 365 project is here

Saturday 11 April 2009


Next to last post!!! How fitting that we spent part our last full day in the US at Bass Pro Shop. It was...interesting. Lots of camouflage!

Friday 10 April 2009


Arlington National Cemetery

Thursday 9 April 2009


We took Wes's family to the National Zoo in DC.

Wednesday 8 April 2009


Watching Liverpool at James Joyce Pub in Baltimore.

Tuesday 7 April 2009


Still eating our delicious cake! It was raspberry cream and there were chocolate bits in the cake. The design for the flowers were taken off of our invitations. Each guest had a cupcake with one of the flowers on it.

Monday 6 April 2009


Wes and I got a telegram from some friends in Exeter. We didn't know you could even send a telegram anymore!